Public Speaking

0435 064 845

Public Speaking Nerves

Public speaker, Canon 1Ds mark IIIBlushing – Sweating

Stammering – Dry Mouth

Ultra Self Conscious – Shaky

Pounding Heart – Feeling Sick

Feeling Faint – Mind Goes Blank

If this is your response to speaking in public, whether it is giving a corporate presentation, an interview, a wedding speech or maybe expressing your opinion in a group, then you are not alone.

You fear looking foolish, humiliation or failure. You may even fear losing your job. You imagine catastrophic scenarios that can occur when it’s your turn to speak This can lead to avoidance behaviour that feeds the belief that speaking in public is stressful and something to be dreaded.

With a combination of hypnotherapy and NLP (neuro linguistic programming) you will be able to speak clearly, calmly and precisely without feeling the need to rush and ‘get it over with as soon as possible’.

Hypnotherapy allows you to feel confident relaxed and in control when speaking in front of a group, whether they are senior managers, potential clients or a wedding party.

With hypnosis you can become a great public speaker and even enjoy the experience.

Please feel free to CONTACT me for further information or to book an appointment.
Or for a totally confidential chat you can call Shona Davis Now on 0435 064 845